Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brigade Ground

well..I always take my city the queen of India...the beauty, the grace, the iternity that one can feel in this city is really noticable..Today when I was in Maidan (Brigade Ground), the frace air charmed me, wet grass touched me, smell of wet soil revealed some unrevealed beauty og it..its my city...its the city of charm, its the city of passion, its the city of feeling..


  1. Nice sunset in the first one. I'm not big on sunsets so I'll leave it at that.
    Dump the tree in the second one and mve in close to the people. use them as the subject with a great background. Rule: good foreground and good background makes for great photo.
    Don't overdo on the blurring in photoshop. It's a bit cliche and can look tacky.Better off using the natural depth of field in the lens. Then it all looks more realistic.
    Good angle and lens choice for the horse. Watch the flaring. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
    Have a look at the blog: especially the stuff on visual mass.
    Also, the sky in your images is very dominant but boring and bright. Make it interesting or tone it down. Can we see some more in black and white?
    Now get out there and take more pictures instead of sitting at the computer. A young bloke like you should be taking pictures of beautiful girls. It's a great way to meet them - or get slapped.

  2. Hi Dev. Got your message through the other blog:
    Here is an article on landscape that might interest you.
    This blog is the best one to get me if you want to talk about photography.

  3. Every photograph reveals a different angel. Since my arrival in Kolkata in 2002 the city has fascinated me in different ways. These photographs taken by you makes me feel that there is still so much to discover in this city...hats off for you effort...
