Friday, December 17, 2010

Back to the the root part II (portrait)

These photographs were taken on the second day of my journey. I will never forget those kids who constantly chased my cycle running back to me and guiding the whole village. My album of portrait ends here. But, after a few days I am going to upload the never ending beauty of village landscapes again two parts. Till then enjoy and "back to your own root".

Back to the the root part I (portrait)

hi...."back to root" is my total new venture in rural photography...I have here published some portraits of the villagers..each of them reveals the eternal story of the villagers...hope you guys will like it.....
do comment.....

Sunday, October 31, 2010

In the world of b&w

I had some collection of black and white photographs..I often become confused of what photographs are to be transformed to black and white..I posted some of them..only for my sir.....:)

I was fascinated once with the lighting effect on the building.

In the second one...the art is made in the wall of the temple.

third one is the potrait of my niece.

I liked the posture the horse made.

the activity in the rivers seems to be much more attractive for me.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brigade Ground

well..I always take my city the queen of India...the beauty, the grace, the iternity that one can feel in this city is really noticable..Today when I was in Maidan (Brigade Ground), the frace air charmed me, wet grass touched me, smell of wet soil revealed some unrevealed beauty og it..its my city...its the city of charm, its the city of passion, its the city of feeling..

Friday, October 29, 2010

holy monarche more thing that always attract me is the holy temples of our country..From the rural areas to jam pack urban areas....lakhs of temple with rich architectural examples are present...As a student it is not possible for me to click all these temples...but some of them where I have gone really attracted example is there...I "tried" my best to focus on the structural beauty of the architecture in this "photograph".

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

there is a custom in our country to throw money in the river as we take Ganges as our Godess...the girl in this photo has an uniqe occupation to throw magnet in the river and take those coins out....this is her strange...
India will always attract anyone around the world to come here and heve the essence of our culture, beuaty, and nature.

I call this snap as Mr. Lonely...I feel how it could be, floating in the river all the day alone with no other companion.
Well, this is an another snap of the river Ganges. Sir Tom Dinning told me to give some new more snap of Ganges. Here is one more. The boats in the river always facinates me.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

kolkata rockz

The colour that brings dream is in the hand of next generation...Its we know how to live..people live in phootpath but dreams for a better life..Dont know about dinner but having a cell phone in the hand...kolkata rockz again.....


hey kolkata....some time great moments come automatically in the lense.vagueness in a snap also gives a dull look dat fit exactly with the mood of my city...Kolkata kolkatatei...amar sahor.


Its a temple of my home town....

Friday, April 23, 2010

litteraly I jump out from the bus which was passing by the famous Gorer Math seeing some good opportunity to take some is one example..LUNCH TIME...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

a very common snap it is.u can find these staff in the whole kolkata.the life itself is like,u knw,"thela gaari".from the time i started my life with my camera,i used to take so many snap of these staff all in different angle,and i amazed,each of them creates a new meaning.the thela gaari runs if we push,life runs also if u push,i hv noticed this so many times.i cant explain this,better u guyz think of these......and tell me.......

have u guts seen the footpath dwellers while walking?well,some of them,i believe.can u imagine the tremendous situation of them.i get very scared when i see these guys cookin,talkin,u knw,playin and al that.i feel,it is so stupid that we the management students why do not think to utilize these huge source o

f labour.see this simple boy.when i was takin this snap one of my frnd told me,"dont b lyk farhan quereshi of 3 idiots".well that because i don wanna miss any staff which i think a great moment to capture,i don even knw,what the kiddo is holding in his hand,somethin eatable?hygeine factor?no no no...........but i can guarantee,if someone use the labour force of his parents,he needs not to take this biscuit or something which is eatable for a dog........i don knw.......u knw???????